The MenCare Global Meeting 2019 took place from November 19-21, 2019, where MenCare partners and colleagues from around the world meet in Rabat, Morocco to develop a joint agenda to advance international and national advocacy efforts, share best practices and evidence, and develop new and innovative ways to achieve equal partnership of men in unpaid care work. During the three days of the meeting, participants-professionals, activists, government stakeholders, and academics-will share and exchange new findings, lessons learned, and reflections from the field of engaging men as fathers and caregivers for gender equality, with the aim of creating a unified plan to put caregiving for men on national and global agendas. More than ever, we need to create unified voices for social, political, and economic justice.The meeting will build on the recommendations highlighted in the State of Fatherhood in the World Report 2019 to develop a roadmap and identify a shared international advocacy agenda to achieve equality in care and gender equality more broadly.This third global meeting will also provide insights and strategies to achieve a new MenCare effort: The MenCare Commitment. This ambitious commitment aims to multiply the power of care, involving 50 countries to take action and achieve a national target of 50% of men’s unpaid care work by 2030. Tatiana Moura coordinator of the PARENT Project, participated on the 3rd day n the Plenary “State of the World’s Fathers and the MenCare Commitment” that provided an overview of the State of the World’s Fathers report, how it generated the MenCare Commitment for governments – 50 minutes, 50 percent..

MenCare 2019 Global Meeting
19/11/2019 > 21/11/2019