View the recording for the final conference of the PARENT project, which brought together various local delivery partners and external guests to reflect on results, lessons learned and ways forward.
Engaging men to promote change in social attitudes and behaviour regarding gender roles in caregiving.
Engaging men to promote change in social attitudes and behaviour regarding gender roles in caregiving.
Engaging men to promote change in social attitudes and behaviour regarding gender roles in caregiving.
Engaging men to promote change in social attitudes and behaviour regarding gender roles in caregiving.
Engaging men to promote change in social attitudes and behaviour regarding gender roles in caregiving.
PARENT (Promotion, Awareness Raising and Engagement of men in Nurture Transformations) brings a gender synchronised approach aimed at tackling the challenges of prevention and eradication of violence against women and children by engaging men in co-responsible parenting and caregiving, and promoting an equal share of unpaid care work in four European countries: Portugal, Italy, Lithuania and Austria. Read more
PARENT works with expert local partners to implement its methodology and engage with national stakeholders.
PARENT works with expert local partners to implement its methodology and engage with national stakeholders.

Challenges in the time of COVID-19: how to maintain healthy and non-violent family relationships?
Today the world is facing a serious epidemic that has changed the dynamics of work, daily routines and family relations. With the need for isolation to contain the escalation of contamination caused by COVID-19, families face serious challenges in dealing with work, financial obligations and family relationships. In order to help families to deal with these challenges, the PARENT Project has gathered a series of resources created and recommended by international organisations, in order to promote healthy, non-violent family relationships.