
PARENT brings a gender-synchronised approach (Program P) aiming to tackle the challenges of prevention and eradication of violence against women and children. By engaging men in co-responsible parenting and caregiving and promoting an equal share of unpaid care work in 4 EU countries: Portugal, Italy, Lithuania and Austria.

PARENT intends to contribute to the prevention of domestic and intra-family gender-based violence and violence against children. It seeks to promote change in social attitudes and behaviour regarding gender roles in caregiving.


Program P

Program P was developed as part of the global MenCare campaign coordinated by Promundo and Sonke Gender Justice (men-care.org). MenCare is a well-known global initiative aiming to promote men’s involvement as equitable, non-violent fathers and caregivers. Program P (“P” for “padre” in Spanish and “pai” in Portuguese, meaning “father”) provides concrete strategies for engaging men in active caregiving from their partner’s pregnancy through their child’s early years. It identifies best practices in engaging men in maternal and child health, caregiving, and preventing violence against women and children.

Program P seeks to intervene in gender equality within couple relationships by promoting equitable division of caregiving and domestic work; provide the public health sector with tools to promote greater involvement of both mothers and fathers in maternal and child health; improve men’s self-confidence and efficacy in caregiving; promote positive parenting and healthy relationships with children, by rejecting corporal punishment and other forms of violence against children; prevent violence against women and promote healthy and happy relationships; and encourage intergenerational transmission of values of gender equality.

Program P was designed around a growing body of research, including results from the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES), that highlights how men’s involved caregiving benefits mothers, prevents violence against women and children, and positively impacts family well-being. Promundo and our partners have conducted formative research to adapt the Program P model across multiple countries and regions.
